Stay Well During Spring Break
Because of Coronavirus (COVID-19), pay close attention to the travel alert status of places you are going. Ohio State is among many organizations that have restricted university-sponsored travel to certain destinations, including China, Italy, Iran and South Korea. Even if you are visiting these places on your own you are still required to report it to Because the situation can change quickly, we strongly advise you to follow travel alerts from the CDC, DOS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. You can find updates on university travel restrictions online.
The best defense against COVID-19, the flu or any virus is to practice routine hygiene etiquette. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, and cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you sneeze or cough. If you are sick, stay away from other people. Likewise, avoid close contact with others who aren’t feeling well.
There are other things to remember in order to have a fun, and safe, break. If you are going someplace warm, wear sunscreen. Going swimming on break? Be aware of hidden dangers with these tips. Take precautions to keep from bringing back unwanted pests, like bed bugs. They love to hitch rides in places like backpacks and suitcases, so inspect and clean your belongings during your travels. Don’t binge drink, as the negative consequences can be severe. Things like social media posts and arrest records are permanent, so take the time to make good choices.
You should also take steps to avoid being a victim of crime, including if you are traveling abroad. Keep a close eye on your valuables and be aware that criminals target tourist spots. Before you go, make sure your doors are locked. You can get free window/door alarms and light timers at Student Life’s OffCampus and Commuter Student Services office in the Ohio Union. Spring Break is an excellent time to unwind and return mentally refreshed and ready to take on the remaining weeks of this academic year. It’s equally important to make responsible choices.
Have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break!
Gladys M. Gibbs, MD, MS
Director, Student Life Student Health Services